Get Me The Heck Outta Here!

Monday, March 31, 2008

The band is gonna need a new name...

Looks like "Size 20 Tall" (my chosen name for my fictional band - you know the one, we all have the dream) is gonna have to retire - 'cause I went shopping yesterday, and for the first time in more than 5 years, I've purchased size 18 average pants. AND THEY FIT. AND IT'S A COMFORTABLE FIT. It's not a GONNA SQEEEEEEEZE if it KIIIIILLLLLS me, fit. They really fit.

I made the decision to make this the year I get myself back into some sort of shape. I've only been doing the treadmill since late January...but I have to say I'm so excited with the results so far.

Hopefully, if all goes well, and if we can keep the act together (some days are just lazy days, once or twice it was a hangover, other times it's just the infighting and personality issues) "Size 16 Average" will be touring the US starting in Orlando with a week long engagement in July.

Rock on.