Almost forgot...
The mind, fading, a sign of age...
Also a sign of age...
Standing in the drizzle at the Jimmy Buffett concert and having a friend tell you that her husband has taken another friend's daughter over to meet Ian from Survivor...and actually singing outloud over the bellowing sound of the music - "GLEN, GLEN, GLEN, GLEN" cause you THINK your hip having the snappy 'Starbucks' commercial reference at hand to celebrate the Survivor moment...
...only to realize about an hour or so later (to your complete and utter surprise) that the Survivor your friend was talking about was in fact -- Survivor - THE TELEVISION SHOW and not the "EYE OF THE TIGER" 80's rock band, Survivor.
Turns out Ian was at the concert and was (in a former life) a boy scout and my friend was one of his camp counslers/bosses.
Also, never mind the fact that there is no one named Ian in the "Eye of the Tiger" 80's rock band, Survivor.